Creating a climate for food security: Governance and policy in Australia

Authors: Christine Slade and Angela Wardell-Johnson
Year: 2013

Agricultural production, together with biodiversity and ecosystems, land use, resilience to natural disasters, water security and biosecurity are the six main food areas in Australia expected to be significantly impacted by climate change. While there is progress towards a National Food Plan and some policy development by individual councils, state and territory government involvement is limited. This report identifies a need for a) simplification of regulatory systems and bureaucratic layers before adding climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, b) a horizontally and vertically consistent and integrated food policy approach, and c) a shift in food policies from an agrifood export/import binary approach that emphasis export economic benefits, to a diverse food system approach including local and regional scales. Case studies demonstrate issues, inconsistencies and gaps within the food policy area. A brief overview of current food policy in relation to human induced climate change and food security impacts is also provided.

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