Key Findings: The 2008 Floods in Queensland: Charleville and Mackay

Author: Armando Apan
Year: 2010

This factsheet presents the key findings of a project conducted to understand adaptation lessons from the 2008 Queensland floods in the towns of Charleville and Mackay. This case study found that in areas that are vulnerable to regular flooding, it is long-established residents, with strong connections within the community, and possibly prior experience of flood events, who display greater resilience in a flood event. The factsheet also contains information on the scale of the disaster, the impacts of the events, adaptation during and after the events, vulnerability pre and post the event, the successes and failures of the events management, and lessons learnt. This study is one of a suite of Historical Case Studies of Extreme Events conducted under Phase 1 of the NCCARF Synthesis and Integrative Research Program to examine present-day management of climate variability and the lessons that can be learnt for adaptation to future climate change.

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