East Coast Lows and the Newcastle/Central Coast Pasha Bulker storm

East Coast Lows and the Newcastle/Central Coast Pasha Bulker storm Authors: Danielle Verdon-Kidd, Anthony Kiem, Garry Willgoose and Philip HainesYear: 2010 The ‘Pasha Bulker’ storm was the first and most serious of the 5 east coast lows (ECL) that affected the coastal regions betweeen Illawarra and the Hunter, NSW in June 2007. The location is… Read More

Decision making under uncertainty: Bridging the gap between end user needs and climate science capability

Decision making under uncertainty: Bridging the gap between end user needs and climate science capability Authors: Danielle Verdon-Kidd, Anthony Kiem and Emma AustinYear: 2012 Current factors that prevent decision makers making robust adaptation decisions about climate related risks were identified in this study as: uncertainty in climate informattion, misunderstanding/misuse of key terminology, poor communication and/or… Read More

Choosing a decision-making framework to manage uncertainty in climate adaptation decision making: A Practitioner’s Handbook

Choosing a decision-making framework to manage uncertainty in climate adaptation decision making: A Practitioner’s Handbook Authors: Alan Randall , Tim Capon, Todd Sanderson, Danielle Merrett and Greg HertzlerYear: 2012 This handbook is intended to help people choose a decision-making framework to manage the uncertainty inherent in climate change adaptation decision-making. The decision-making process is more… Read More

Making decisions under the risks and uncertainties of future climates

Making decisions under the risks and uncertainties of future climates Authors: Alan Randall, Tim Capon, Todd Sanderson, Danielle Merrett and Greg HertzlerYear: 2012 This study reviewed a number of decision tools for their potential in helping end users to address decision problems where climate is a relevant consideration. End users engaged in this study showed… Read More

Impacts and adaptation response of infrastructure and communities to heatwaves

Impacts and adaptation response of infrastructure and communities to heatwaves: The southern Australian experience of 2009 Author: Queensland University of TechnologyYear: 2010 From 27 Jan 8 Feb 2009, South-Eastern Australia experienced extreme heatwaves, with maximum daytime temperatures reaching 12-15 degrees celcius above average. The severity of the event and its co-occurrence with an emerging bushfire… Read More

Climate change adaptation in the Australian Alps: Impacts, strategies, limits and management

Climate change adaptation in the Australian Alps: Impacts, strategies, limits and management Authors: C. Morrison and Catherine PickeringYear: 2011 A stong awareness of climatechange occurring and identifying its impacts exists among stakeholders within the Australian Alps due, primarily to the fairly direct links between increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitaiton and natural snow cover. Data also… Read More

Limits to climate change adaptation for low-lying communities in the Torres Strait

Limits to climate change adaptation for low-lying communities in the Torres Strait Authors: KE McNamara, SG Smithers, R Westoby, K ParnellYear: 2011 This study explored adaptive capacity, adaptation limits/barriers and possible or existing maladaptation for communities on 2 morphologically different low lying islands in the Torres Straits. Although traditional resilience indicators such as income, access… Read More

Analysis of damage to buildings following the 2010-11 Eastern Australia floods

Analysis of damage to buildings following the 2010-11 Eastern Australia floods Authors: Matthew Mason, Emma Phillips, Tetsuya Okada and James O’BrienYear: 2012 Utilising observations of damage to buildings in Brisbane, Ipswich and Grantham, a predictive model for estimating flood loss and occupant displacement has been developed. The model can be used for flood risk assessments… Read More

Adaptation lessons from Cyclone Tracy

Adaptation lessons from Cyclone Tracy Authors: Matthew Mason, and Katharine HaynesYear: 2010 Cyclone Tracy was a Category 4 cyclone that devastated the city of Darwin, in the Northern Territory on Christmas morning, 1974. The direct hit by the cyclone resulted in particularly damaging impacts, including 71 deaths, 650 injuries and left 40,000 people homeless. 94%… Read More

Learning from experience: Historical case studies and climate change adaptation

Learning from experience: Historical case studies and climate change adaptation Authors: Anthony S. Kiem, Danielle C. Verdon-Kidd, Sarah L. Boulter and Jean P. PalutikofYear: 2010 Changes of policy, actions and/or infrastructure commonly occur following extreme events. These actions are targeted at reducing the impact of any future, similar extreme event. Thus, there are parallels between… Read More