Living with Climate Change: Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Factsheets for Australia: Indigenous Communities

Author: NCCARF
Year: 2012

This factsheet provides a short summary of the potential climate change impacts on Australia’s Indigenous communities. Indigenous communities can be vulnerable to climate change if they live in remote areas subject to extreme events, those whose livelihoods have a strong element of hunting, fishing and gathering, or where poverty and disadvantage already exist. Climate change impacts may include changes to biodiversity and therefore sources of food for those with a strong reliance on harvesting native resources, impacts on health and disease, water security and physical impacts on cultural heritage sites. Adaptation strategies will need to consider how to integrate with existing initiatives addressing existing social disadvantage. There is also a risk that mitigation strategies may disproportionately disadvantage Indienous Communities. The factsheet also describes research priorities and the work of the then Adaptation Research Network for Social, Economic and Institutional Dimensions

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